Mini eBooks on Java Performance Optimization Topics

If you are looking to improve the performance of your Java application & also try to eliminate all types of OutOfMemoryErrors, you can read these mini eBooks.

Java performance optimization - Fundamentals of Java Memory Management

Fundamentals of Java Memory Management

In this book, you will learn all the fundamental concepts of Java Memory Management. They are the foundation for advanced concepts.

Java performance optimization - Fundamentals of Garbage Collection

Fundamentals of Garbage Collection

In this book, you will learn all the details of different Garbage collection algorithms implemented in Hotspot JVM.

Java performance optimization - How to avoid the top 10 OOMs

How to avoid top 10 OutOfMemoryError

In this book, you will learn how to avoid the top 10 OutOfMemoryErrors by following best practices.

Java performance optimization - Compressed OOPS

Compressed Ordinary Object Pointers (OOPS) & Class Pointer

In this book, you will learn the tricks used behind the JVM's Compressed OOPS and Compressed class pointers and how to take advantage of them.

Java performance optimization - Size and Duration Really Matters

Size and Duration of an Object Really Matters

In this book, you will learn how the size of an Object and its duration in a heap drastically impact the performance of a Java application.

Java performance optimization - Code cache memory management

Code cache memory management

In this book, you will learn how code cache memory and JIT compiler are used to improve the overall performance of your Java application.

In progress
Java performance optimization - GC Log analysis,  Debugging VM flags and application fine tuning

String Performance Optimization Techniques

In this book, you will learn how to improve the performance of Java applications using all the String related performance optimization techniques.

In progress
Java performance optimization - Java Multithreading Performance optimization

Java Multithreading Performance optimization

In this book, you will learn all the performance optimization techniques and tips related to Java Threads.

In progress

It will take around 2 to 3 hours to complete reading each book.